
If you require any more information or have any questions about our site’s disclaimer, please feel free to contact us by email at Contact.

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All articles on this website have been prepared by the bpsc right way team and it has not been copied from anywhere. If an image is taken from anywhere, then copyright owner is given credit just below the image.

copyright fair use :

If any copyright material is used in a particular circumstance, its entire credit is given to the copyright owner. All copyrighted images / images used under CC (creativecommon) license are given to copyright owner.

If you have any objection to any article, photo, media or content in BPSC RIGHT WAY or you think it is your copyright then you can contact us at email. Your objections will be necessarily resolved.

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Keeping in mind that we have a full consideration of your privacy, BPSC RIGHT WAY has created some privacy policies that you can see on the Privacy Policy page.

Hold Harmless :

The main purpose of BPSC RIGHT WAY website is to share information with you, to provide useful information about examination preparation. Our purpose is not to make any deceit or hurt your feelings. Our aim is to increase your logical capabilities and analytical ability through your most factual information and scientific methods so that you can develop scientifically.

Reserve Rights :

The purpose of bpsc right way is not to ditch you or hurt your feelings. However, if you feel this way in some way, we apologize for that. Please do not make this issue of controversy.

Contact Information :

If you have any kind of interaction with us, then you can contact us at our email and find solutions to your problems. See Contact Us Page for this.