NCERT History Book – इतिहास
Class 6th हमारे अतीत भाग – 1Download
Class 7thहमारे अतीत भाग – 2Download
Class 8thहमारे अतीत भाग – 3Download
Class 9thभारत और सम्कालीन विश्व – 1Download
Class 12thभारतीय इतिहास के कुछ विषय – 1Download
Class 12thभारतीय इतिहास के कुछ विषय – 2Download
Class 12thभारतीय इतिहास के कुछ विषय – 3Download
NCERT Geography Book – भूगोल
Class 6th पृथ्वी हमारा आवासDownload
Class 8thसंसाधन एवं विकासDownload
Class 9thसमकालीन भारतDownload
Class 10thसमकालीन भारतDownload
Class 11thभौतिक भूगोल के मूल सिद्धांतDownload
Class 11thभूगोल मे प्रयोगात्मक कार्यDownload
Class 11thभारत भौतिक पर्यावरणDownload
Class 12thमानव भूगोल के मूल सिद्धांतDownload
Class 12thभूगोल मे प्रयोगात्मक कार्यDownload
Class 12thभारत लोग और अर्थव्यवस्थाDownload
NCERT Political Science Book – राजनीतिशास्त्र
Class 11thभारत का संविधान सिद्धांत और व्यवहार Download
Class 12thसमकालीन विश्व राजनीति Download
NCERT Economics Book – अर्थशास्त्र
Class 9thअर्थशास्त्रDownload
Class 10thआर्थिक विकास की समझDownload
Class 11thभारतीय अर्थव्यवस्था का विकासDownload
Class 12thसमष्टि अर्थशास्त्र एक परिचयDownload
NCERT Science Book – विज्ञान
Class 5thआस पासDownload
Class 6thविज्ञानDownload
Class 7thविज्ञानDownload
Class 8thविज्ञानDownload
Class 9thविज्ञानDownload
Class 10thविज्ञानDownload
NCERT Physics Book – भौतिक विज्ञान
Class 11thभौतिकी -1 Download
Class 11thभौतिकी -2 Download
Class 12thभौतिकी -1 Download
Class 12thभौतिकी -2 Download
NCERT Chemistry Book – रसायन शास्त्र
Class 11th रसायन विज्ञान भाग – 1Download
Class 11th रसायन विज्ञान भाग – 2Download
Class 12th रसायन विज्ञान भाग – 1Download
NCERT Biology Book – जीव विज्ञान
Class 11thजीव विज्ञान-1 Download
Class 12thजीव विज्ञान-1 Download

10 thoughts on “NCERT – BOOK”

  1. Amazing website which contents all the essential study material through which is necessary for competitor. Very good and informative website it is. Thanks to BPSC RIGHT WAY from the bottom of my heart on behalf of all the aspirants of all competitive exam.
    Thanking you.

  2. This is absolutely a superb website specially desigined for Bihar PCS exam. This website provide the only materials which we require for our BPSC preparation. I wish this website will be highly useful for aspirants and students.

    1. Thank you Deepak. We are trying our best to provide material that is relevant to your preparation.

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